as i am.

"…but soil is a refuge for dispersed seeds."

About Me and Keeping in Touch

ChrissyI will be in Mali in the Peace Corps for the next two years working in Agriculture and Environmental Development.  This blog will chronicle my adventures, thoughts, and events while I am gone.  I hope you enjoy.

One of the most common questions I have been asked is how to keep in touch.  While I will be quite far away, there are still many ways to keep in touch.  I will have a cell phone in Mali, and you are welcome to call me/text me (email me if you want the number).  Email is another popular option (  I will likely be able to check my email every few weeks.  My favorite option is letters via post (c’mon, in a depressed economy, help out the post office!)  My address is:

Chrissy Scheller, PC
Corps de la Paix
B.P. 75
San, Mali

Some tips for sending letters and packages are as follows:

  • Send postcards in envelopes.
  • Number your letters and packages so I know if I missed one.
  • Padded envelopes are a lot cheaper to send than boxes.  The pre-paid boxes are cheapest in terms of boxes, but it’s all expensive.  Don’t feel obligated to send me things.
  • Write ‘air mail’ or ‘par avion’ on all envelopes/packages.
  • Write that all packages are gifts or school supplies and are worth nothing.
  • Write religious symbols (crosses) and/or that packages contain religious materials to deter theft.

What to send me, if you are so inclined:

  • Parmesan Cheese! (The green Kraft ones work well, but others have received regular shredded in a bag and it’s been fine.) (This is hands down the most important food stuff not available in country.)
  • Sauces in packets (American food tastes good regardless of quality here.)
  • Boxes of packaged food that can be made via stove top
  • Salty snacks
  • Chips and crackers(!)
  • Good jam
  • Nuts that are not peanuts
  • Raisins, craisins, dried apricots, dried sour cherries
  • Oat bran
  • Chocolate (even if it melts, it is still heavenly.  Pack in a ziplock so it doesn’t ruin other things.)
  • Swedish fish
  • Tootsie Rolls
  • Peanut M&Ms (or if you really love me Peanut BUTTER M&Ms)
  • Post cards/ pictures of yourself/ things to hang on my wall
  • Books (need more direction? Just ask.)
  • Granola/Muesli
  • Couscous
  • Bulgur
  • Lentils
  • Cookies (should probably be first on the list)
  • Logic Puzzles
  • Trivia
  • NY Times crosswords
  • Sudoku
  • The Economist
  • Fascinating news articles (even if they’ll be old by the time I receive them)
  • Campaign news (as the 2012 elections heat up)

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  • About Me:

    I am a Peace Corps Volunteer working in Mali for two years promoting sustainable agriculture and environment development.

  • Address in Mali:

    Christina Scheller
    B.P. 02
    San, Mali

    Click here for tips and information on sending letters and packages.

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    July 2024
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  • What I’m Reading

    King Leopold's Ghost - Adam Hochschild
  • What I’ve Read

    High Tide in Tucsan - Barbara Kingsolver All the King's Men - Robert Penn Warren Half the Sky - Nicholas D. Kristof, Sheryl WuDunn Prodigal Summer - Barbara Kingsolver Dirt: The Erosion of Civilization - David R. Montgomery Everything is Illuminated - Jonathan Safran Foer To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee The Education of Little Tree - Forrest Carter The Rodale Book of Composting Team of Rivals - Doris Kearns Goodwin The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling The Lacuna - Barbara Kingsolver The History of the House of Representatives - Robert Remini East of Eden - John Steinbeck Three Cups of Tea - Greg Mortenson, David Oliver Relin The Imperial Cruise - James Bradley